Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I am glad you enjoyed it. I now can't get the theme tune out of my head.

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My first experience with the Pink Panther was the Matt Frewer cartoon in the 1990s. I think that was the first time the character actually spoke.

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I think you might be right. He wasn’t in the habit of talking too often and I always liked his sophisticated tones when he did. Thank you 🤩

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I was also going to comment on the fun facts :) I love these at the end of your posts. And I’ve now got the theme running through my head...

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It just shows what a catchy tune it must have been. Thank you for commenting too, I genuinely appreciate it 😁

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I 🧡 your posts!

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I have a box set of Pink Panther Peter Sellers movies...and every time a youngster visits the house they bring it downstairs triumphantly thinking they've found the motherlode of cartoons. Always so disappointing for them. .

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That is so cool. The movies were great, I remember watching them as a child. Peter Sellers was such a good fit.

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Great post! The theme tune for this one is so iconic :)

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In the early-90s, my (much older) cousin bought herself a secondhand Fiat Panda, cheap cos it was in desperate need of a new spray job. She took a bath sponge with her and the car to the paint place, and insisted she have it *that* colour - so she could have a Pink Panda! (It was as close as she could get to the show) The police used to spot her when playing ’snooker’ 😂.

Bit of a character, total goth in a Pink Panther-coloured car! 🩷

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Now that is genius 😂

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Some fascinating, fun facts, as always! :)

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