UPA was to traditional animation what bebop was to Dixieland jazz- a challenge to the established order of things which became part of the established order itself while retaining its individuality. Its' influence expanded well beyond its' productions themselves to the work of animators and studios who made works in the future strongly influenced by it, often with the aid of UPA veterans.
Such a great piece! I remember working at a production company in the Washington DC area and the lead animator LOVED that character!
UPA was to traditional animation what bebop was to Dixieland jazz- a challenge to the established order of things which became part of the established order itself while retaining its individuality. Its' influence expanded well beyond its' productions themselves to the work of animators and studios who made works in the future strongly influenced by it, often with the aid of UPA veterans.
This is possibly my favourite Animation article yet, and that's saying something!
I am now watching Gerald McBoing Boing on YouTube, and I think we should start a fan club.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this amazing character, Jon!
Thank you so much. Enjoy the ace that is Gerald 🤩
Another new one for me! Fascinating and well researched, Jon.
Thank you so much!
Interesting. I have only a fleeting memory of this character but your background details make me want to check him out again!
Glad to be of service :)
Again, Jon, you've opened my eyes to Gerald and given me something to check out. Thank you for pointing me in this direction.
Always happy to signpost animation. Thanks for reading.
Thank you for sharing this classic animation. I think I remember the 2005 reboot, but didn't know anything about its earlier history.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Another classic.