For the Birds The year 2000 short was written and directed by Ralph Eggleston and produced by Pixar. The short won the Academy Award for best animated short film in 2001 and was the short that accompanied the film Monsters Inc. The short was made into a 3D film in 2012.
Aw Monsters Inc was (is) my favourite Pixar film. I had it on video so I watched this short many times! So simple, so effective.
I also love the one with the old man playing himself at chess. That must've been on Toy Story or A Bug's Life? (Thinking about the video tapes we had)
I loved that one too. I too have had them on video and love a good short 🥸
I remember this short! I loved Monsters Inc and this short was a fun addition :)
This is one of my fave shorts they’ve done! Can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched it on the Monsters, Inc. dvd 😍 still cracks me up 😁
It is so well written, it’s just ace.